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At Outsource-to-India, we like to keep things simple. We all have enough to blow our heads over at work than to get stuck figuring out the total developmental cost of any project or any dedicated professional hired. To keep it simple, when you hire a dedicated professional from Outsource-to-India, you pay a small set-up fee of USD 250. And then a monthly flat fee per professional hired.

This monthly fee depends on the skill level of the professional hired and his/her industry experience. At a generalised level, the monthly fee covers the salary of the employee, organizational overheads (infrastructure costs, running costs et al) and our profit margin. The flat monthly charge could vary depending on the quality of professional hired.

If you hire two dedicated professionals, one web designer and one web developer with different skill and experience level, here is what you will pay.
Assuming the flat charge for the web designer is USD X and that for the web developer is USD Y, your charge for first month = USD 250 x 2 + USD X + USD Y. From next month onwards, you pay USD X + USD Y.

And finally, working with Outsource-to-India comes with the promise of uncompromising quality, prompt communications, responsiveness and flexibility.

For more specific details on the costs, please fill up our Inquiry Form.

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